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PC Guide to common races

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PC Guide to common races Empty PC Guide to common races

Post  Admin Sun May 01, 2011 8:52 am

Average height: 5’3”-6’3” (not shorter than 4’5”, not taller than 6’7” – unless reason is given and APROVED by admin)
Average weight: 100-175lb
Ageing: Adulthood 20; middle aged 40; elderly 60; max age 100 (aprox)
Eye color: any
Hair color: any
Skin color: any
Size: medium, no AC bonus or penalty
Classes: any, no bonuses
Languages: common, +1
Ability bonuses: Int +1, Con +1, +2skill points
Weapons: no bonuses
Other: +1 feat
Basics: Humans are prolific and ever changing, the shortest living of the races, they seem to have descended into every corner of the world. They are the most open minded and open to the other races, they also are the most quick to act and the longer lived races refer to them as “flighty”.

Average height: 6’-7’6” (not shorter than 5’5”, not taller than 7’5” –unless reason is given and AROVED by admin)
Average weight: 120-200lb
Eye color: green, grey, or blue
Hair color: red, blonde
Skin color: pail ivory to blush peach
Size: medium, no AC bonus or penalty
Ageing: Adulthood 100; middle aged 400; elderly 2000; max age none
Classes: any, +1 bonus to skills (at 1st lvl) associated with magic wielding classes or nature focused classes (if it is the PCs class) [mage, wizard, cleric, druid, ranger]
Languages: Elvin, +2
Abilities: Dex +1, +1 Cha
Weapons: +1 bow (any kind)
Other: Low light vision
Basics: Elves are the most reflective of all the races. They are slow to make decisions but rarely rest until they’ve seen it threw, once they make up their mind that is. They are seen by others, especially humans, as meditative and aloof. Elvin social standards are intricate and complex, as is their language. Typically Elves live in the wild places of the world, especially forests and jungles, though they may be found anywhere.
Physical description: Elves are tall and slender, lithe and dexterous. They have pointed ears and deep piercing green or blue eyes.

Average height: 3’5”-5’1” (not shorter than 3” not taller than 5’5” –unless reason is given and APROVED by admin)
Average Weight: 120-200lb
Eye color: brown, black
Hair color: brown, black
Skin color: light tan to dark brown
Size: medium, no AC bonus or penalty
Ageing: Adulthood 75; middle-aged 150; elderly 300; max age aprox 500
Classes: +1 to skills (at 1st level) associated with combat classes (if the PC chooses one) [paladin, fighter, ranger, urban ranger]
Languages: Dwarven, +1
Abilities: +2Str, +1Con, -1Cha
Weapons: +1 axes
Other: Night vision (black and white, 10ft)
Basics: Dwarves are hearty strong folk who typically keep to themselves, though they can be boisterous and loud when the occasion calls. They get along moderately well with humans, and will generally at least give them the chance to offend them before writing them off. They do not get along very well with elves who find them too unrefined and rude for their tastes. They also tend to distrust Elves because of their height. While elves are known for their grace and dance like swordplay, Dwarves are known far and wide as the ultimate warriors. Typically Dwarves live in mountainous areas, weather above or beneath the earth.
Physical Description: Dwarves are short and wide, heavy and stable.

Average height: 3’5”-4’5” (not shorter than 3’2”, not taller than 5’ –unless there is a reason and it is APROVED by admin)
Average weight: 50-100lb
Eye color: any
Hair color: any
Size: small, +1 to AC, -1 to Con
Ageing: Adulthood 50; middle aged 100; elderly 300; max age aprox 400
Classes: any, +1 bonus to skills (at 1st lvl) associated with sneaks or nature focused classes (if it is the PCs class) [rogue, ranger, urban ranger]
Languages: Halflings don’t have a language of their own – common, +1
Abilities: Dex +2, Con-1
Weapons: +1 thrown weapon, slings (throwing knives, slings, darts, needles, etc)
Other: Low light vision
Basics: A Halfling’s native environment is in hilly grasslands. They have more contact with humans than most of the other races and are often referred to as “the little people” by humans. Humans and Halflings generally have good relations.
Physical description: Halflings are small and light, childlike in the eyes of most people. They look physically mature like adults upon adulthood, but are only about the size of a 6-10year old human child. Halflings have slightly pointed ears.

Hafelves: ( ½elf, ½ human – for ½ other race seek admin APROVAL)
Average height: 5’10-6’10”
Average weight: 120lb-200lb
Eye color: any – tending toward green or blue
Hair color: any – tending toward red or blonde
Skin color: any
Size: medium
Ageing: Adulthood 25; middle aged 150; elderly 500; max age aprox 700
Classes: any, +2 skill points at 1st level
Languages: Elvin, common
Abilities: Dex +1
Weapons: no bonuses
Other: Low light vision
Basics: Half elves are typically seen as exotic to humans and accepted by both humans and elves. Half elves may be found among human or eleven societies depending on where their parents raised them.
Physical Description: Hair, eye, and skin color vary widely among half elves, but they tend to be slightly taller than humans and slightly lighter as well. They do usually have the pronounced pointed ears of elves.

Halfdwarves: (this is usually only possible if the MOTHER is a dwarf, as women of other races likely won’t survive the process of child birth – ½ dwarf, ½ human – for ½ other races, seek admin APROVAL)
Average height: 4’-5’
Average weight: 120-150lb
Eye color: any – tending toward brown
Hair color: any – tending toward brown or black
Skin color: any
Size: medium
Ageing: Adulthood 50; middle aged 100; elderly 300; max age aprox 400
Classes: any +2 skill points (at 1st level)
Languages: Dwarven, common
Abilities: Con +1, Str+1, Cha-1
Weapons: no bonus
Other: Night vision (black and while 10ft)
Basics: Half dwarves are usually accepted best by humans as Dwarves usually keep to themselves. Halfdwarves usually come about by a dwarf who has found a home among humans and then decide to stay there.

Half dwarves look light slightly short brad humans. They are heavyset without being “fat” looking.


Posts : 119
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 39
Location : NV, USA

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