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PC guide for charater background

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PC guide for charater background Empty PC guide for charater background

Post  Admin Sun May 01, 2011 9:49 pm

Character Background:


Chaotic/neutral: They go with the flow, if they want, and generally do whatever they want at any given moment. They don’t take sides, except maybe their own. A bard or a rogue is likely to be of this alignment.

chaotic/Good: Most common among all people. They take others into consideration, but don’t nessicerily stick their necks out for others. Basically they don’t go out of the way hurt people and a generally good natured, but do as they please. Any character class can hold this alignment, aside from Paladins.

Lawful/Good: These people are rare and abide to a strict moral code either or their own or that society or a religious order has imposed on them. However strict adherence can sometimes lead to close-mindedness and crusader sum. Paladins must hold this alignment, any other class aside from rogues.

Neutral/good: These people rarely take sides, though they typically wouldn’t hurt another except perhaps for survival. They don’t nessicerily adhere to any particular law, unless they agree with it and they aren’t usually out for blood, but they do as they please so long as it’s generally moral. Any class aside from Paladins may be of this alignment.

Lawful/Neutral: This person keeps a strict adherence to a specific code, regardless of the morality of it for some personal reason. Others may see it as moral or not, but they don’t care about the morality of it. Paladins and any character aside from rogues may be of this alignment.
Lawful/Evil: Strict adherence to a specific code and evil. *PCs may not be of this alignment.
Chaotic/Evil: Evil doer who does what, when, and how they wish. *PCs may not be of this class.


PCs are allowed to start play with one pet each, should they choose. Cretin pets had benefits.
Pets that are aloud:
Snakes: nonpoisonous only, unless you are a rogue, rogues may use the venom to poison their weapons.

Dogs: -guard dogs: do not hunt and expect you to feed them. They are loyal and will defend you and your property from other people and animals.
-hunting dogs: Depending on the type will hunt either game foul or small game such as rabbits and mice; they are loyal and will help to defend you and your property but are not trained to do so and may ignore people animals who seems to them harmless. They will hunt to feed themselves.

Cast: are not as small as house cats, but abut 1.5-2ft long nose to tail and 6-10 inches tall at the shoulder. Cats will bring you small animals such as birds, mice and squirrels. They will also hunt to feed themselves.
Birds of prey: falcons, hawks, owls. They can be trained to hunt and retrieve small animals ranging from mice to birds to rabbits. They can also be trained to deliver messages to up to 3 predetermined locations.


*Your character can only start out with a War mount if they are of a com bat class (Ranger, Urban Ranger, Cleric, Paladin, Fighter).

Horses: are suitable for humans, elves, and dwarves.
Common horses: good for riding, but are flighty in combat.
War Horse: Trained to handle combat and will charge into battle and attack upon command as well.

Pones: Are suitable for Halflings.
Common Pones: good for riding, but are flighty in combat.
War Pones: Trained to handle combat and will charge into battle and attack upon command as well.

Riding Dogs: Are suitable for Halflings.
Common gods: good for riding, but are flighty in combat.
War dogs: Trained to handle combat and will charge into battle and attack upon command as well. They are also trained to function as guard dogs.


You can have any faith (though Clerics and Paladins need more detail in this area). Your character can warship one, many, or no Gods. If your character belongs to a religious order or Knighthood you can create the detail with Admin input.

The following are common gods among the general populous of the world:

Misfeerna: Goddess of magic – the first CN; no favored weapon
Sefery: Goddess of valor and truth; wife of Nathir LN; Favored weapon Long sword
Nathir: God of justice and honor; husband of Sefery LG; Favored weapon Bastard sword
Helaina: Goddess of divine rights; Keeper of sacred places and protector of the home;
Champion of children; daughter of Sefery and Nathir CG; Favored weapon short sword
Yaval: God of war for a just cause; son of Safery and Nathir LG; Favored weapon Bastard sword
Silvana: Goddess of nature – the huntress; daughter of Kayreen and Fenar CN; Favored weapon Short bow
Tillun: Goddess of the moon, the foreseer; daughter of Solar and Windeera NG: no favored weapon
Solar: God of the sun – keeper of the seasons; husband of Windeera LN; no favored weapon
Wideera- Goddess of the air; wife of Solar CN; no favoered weapon
Aguar: God of water NC; no favored weapon
Furiya: Goddess of fire; wife of Gudar NC; no favored weapon
Gudar: God of the earth (ground); husband to Furiya CN; no favored weapon
Kayreen: Goddess of fertility; wife of Fenar CG; does not condone the use of weapons - Clerics who warship her are not aloud to wield wepons other than a Staff
Fenar: God of the harvest; husband of Kayreen CG; no favoered weapon
Marg: God of slaughter and bloodshed; husband of Hefereen CE; favored weapon is the double edged sword
Hefereen: Goddess of despair and suffering; wife of Marg CE; favored weapon is the club
Garrow: God of Judgment, death, and the afterlife – the determinant of the houses of souls LN; no favored weapon
The Triplets: Fait, Destiny, and Fortune (good or bad) the children of Kayreen and Fenar CN; no favored weapon


Posts : 119
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 39
Location : NV, USA

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